No point apologising for sporadic and nonsensical updates if this blog is my own, and not an obligation, is there? So, yeah. Akjdaoiruoeurio Pn. Manjeet finally marked our essay (note the singular) after two whole months (note the plural), and I'd love to share it with you all, together with the one I wrote for last year's exam to do with a suicidal girl talking to trees. They're mediocre compositions but I do love them and I hope I don't forget!
However, the things I have to do nowadays after school (more or less in order) is fulfill fangirl cravings, homework, talk to myself, and sleep, with eating in between, and they're all respectively time-consuming.
Oh, and reading. It's hard to fit it in but I manage.
I'm studying Hamlet very meticulously and am hoping that I am well on my way to becoming one of those insanely intimidating people who can quote by act and scene number. I'm surprised how enjoyable I find Shakespeare now and I can't wait to be done with Hamlet so I can reread Romeo & Juliet.
Because this is just too afkajroisx, I'm afraid I have no choice but to let it have a post of its own. This was taken from actor Matthew Gray Gubler's wordpress blog and shows how special he just really is.
Girlfriend Wanted
Matthew Gray Gubler
must love decorating for holidays
kissing in cars
and wind chimes no specific height
hair color
or political affiliation required
but would prefer a warm spirited non racist cynics
and “stick in the muds” need not reply voluptuous figures a plus any similarity in look, mind set, or fashion sense to
mary poppins
claire huxtable
snow white
or elvira wholeheartedly welcomed i am dubious of actresses, fellons, and lesbians
but dont want to rule them out entirely must be tolerant of whistling
tickle torture
james taylor
and sleeping late i have a slight limp
eerily soft hands
and a preternatural love of autumn I once misinterpreted being called a coal-eyed dandy as a compliment when it was intended as an insult I wiggle my feet in my sleep
am scared of the dark
and think the Muppets Christmas Carol is one of the greatest films of all time all i want is
butterfly kisses in the morning
peanut butter sandwiches shaped like a heart
and to make you smile until it hurts
If that didn't make you smile until it hurt, I don't know what will.
Also, I found this picture on tumblr and saved it, but try as I may, I could not find the original source, so I have no idea who made it. So I'm really sorry that I can't link to the rightful owner.
I've been neglecting my blog. Maybe because mostly blog posts aren't good if they don't have some thought to them. And I'm just so afraid of thinking nowadays. I just don't want to. It's tiring, and since I have that coveted ability of going days on end without thinking, I decided to make full use of it.
But here's the post, thought-based or otherwise - which will probably just take forever.
Post title means "love" in Slovakian, so you know what this is about.
No, don't roll your eyes at me, the Jane Austen. I'll keep this short. (In case you didn't get it: Jane Austen was the spinster authoress of six love-centric love novels.)
I think you could find out a lot about someone just by asking them what they think about love, if they would answer.
(There, that was short, wasn't it?)
Oh, since we're on the topic of l'amour (French), let me tell you that after I perfect Pink's Effin' Perfect, I went chasing down a lovely song I've heard a Vanessa Mae rendition of. It wasn't easy. It's the "Love Theme From Romeo & Juliet", which was on the soundtrack of the Romeo & Juliet (1968) movie as "Time For Us". It was very popular, meaning there were a lot of different versions, which just complicated things. In the end I had to listen to it and write down theoretically-incorrect notes (on self-drawn barlines) in order to play it on my baby - my violin. This, for someone as unmusically inclined as I, is extremely difficult to do.
These are the three versions that helped me (credit where it's due).
This is the movie soundtrack version. I cried when I listened to it - it has that much raw emotion in the song and movie clips.
The Vanessa Mae rendition that helped me the most.
Andre Rieu
Romeo & Juliet was one of the greatest love stories ever told, no contest. Just look at the legacy it inspired.
I still haven't really made up my mind about Titanic.
Oh, and one more thing.
I don't like Bruno Mars. For some reason I think he looks like a dentist. Must be his freakishly perfect teeth. I miss the music in the 90's and the noughties. If this is what girls nowadays call romantic, they really need to broaden their music range.
Although Glee version was awesome... come on."We're looking for something dumb to do - oh look let's get married - noone has to know! Don't worry, if we wake up and you wanna break up that's cool, at least it was fun, girl."
and no I don't find Grenade romantic, either.
This, on the other hand, would just make one...
Girlfriend Wanted
Matthew Gray Gubler
must love decorating for holidays
kissing in cars
and wind chimes no specific height
hair color
or political affiliation required
but would prefer a warm spirited non racist cynics
and “stick in the muds” need not reply voluptuous figures a plus any similarity in look, mind set, or fashion sense to
mary poppins
claire huxtable
snow white
or elvira wholeheartedly welcomed i am dubious of actresses, fellons, and lesbians
but dont want to rule them out entirely must be tolerant of whistling
tickle torture
james taylor
and sleeping late i have a slight limp
eerily soft hands
and a preternatural love of autumn I once misinterpreted being called a coal-eyed dandy as a compliment when it was intended as an insult I wiggle my feet in my sleep
am scared of the dark
and think the Muppets Christmas Carol is one of the greatest films of all time all i want is
butterfly kisses in the morning
peanut butter sandwiches shaped like a heart
and to make you smile until it hurts
My family's delighted that I've gotten back to playing these couple of days. My sister stood outside my room door holding up her iPhone on recording without my knowing when I was playing Pink's Effin' Perfect, to play it back to me, because she said, "Mommy said you wouldn't believe you sounded good."
It still sounded like cat's nails screeching down on a chalkboard, but it was really nice of her.
Click on photos for link.
Oh, and watch this. It's just raw talent - this is me refraining from making snide, cutting, envy-fueled remarks - right there. :)
I don't know why I've not been updating. I wanted to write about this one thing but it's like really serious and requires some work. And I've been really busy sleeping twelve hours a day and watching old episodes of Criminal Minds since the new ones are breaking my heart. Anyway. Writing's always really hard for me, you know? Maybe because my thoughts are always so abstract and fluttery, like wisps zooming around the inside of my brain, that it's hard for jaded, unskilled old me to catch them and pin them down into something as solid and inanimate as words. Plus, I'm sure you've all heard me rant on how inadequate our human language is? So inadequate I can't even find the words to tell you how much so it is?
But come. Let's try. We'll do this really enlightening exercise where I just type out whatever is floating around in my brain.
If reincarnation were to really happen, what do you wish to be reincarnated as? Look, I'm just thinking out loud here, as a person whose religious belief does not involve reincarnation, so please do not take offense at my ignorance. I've heard people say that you, as a human, should do good things so you don't get reincarnated as, let's say, a beetle. But honestly? I think being reincarnated as a beetle would be better than being reincarnated as a human. Because if you believe in karma, you shouldn't want to be reincarnated as a human, as compared to a beetle (in my opinion). Why? Because beetles aren't evil. They're not like humans. Beetles don't lie or bitch or grudge or be mean. So, given the choice, would you rather choose a life where you would inevitably inflict evil on others or a life where you would do good and (depending on your belief system) be celestially rewarded for it? I quote Mark Twain: "Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it."
Since we're on the topic of reincarnation, imagine if you were reincarnated as a human body cell. Tee hee hee, what a ho-hum that would be! Like if you were a nerve cell, you'd be really stuck-up, because nerve cells are irreplaceable ergo super important. If you were a white blood cell you'd be oozy and gooey and squeeze through capillary walls to chomp off bacteria (om nom nom). Or if you were a skin cell, and flaked off and died before you even had time to make friends!
Imagine if raindrops were alive as we knew it. They'd make friends as they formed from water vapour, racing against each other to see who got fatter faster. And then imagine what they would say as they made their way down to earth! Would they go, "Wheeeee!", seeing as it's probably the moment they've been waiting for their whole life? Or would they just sit back, tuck their arms behind their heads and talk about, well, I don't know, the weather? Would they be exchanging fond farewells? Or would they be seeing as much as they could see, possibly seeing miles and miles and rivers and valleys and highways and buildings?
Yeah. So. Just to clear some things up.
I stole that quote from Criminal Minds.
I do not really want to be reincarnated as a beetle.
Nor a human body cell.
I should do this more often, but I realise I hardly make any sense at all.
In conclusion, jacietanchenghwee should keep her thoughts abstract because a) bringing them into this world is too much work and b) they should just stay that way.
Please do not read this if you are not utterly bored and have nothing else better to do.
I feel happiest when I'm talking about Criminal Minds. Chalystha and Joey both saw episode 100 of CM, and I was like the happiest girl alive. Now I can tell them about random episodes of CM I've watched and that is just like the bright point of my day.
I saw the sun today!
It was like an orb! A great, big, orange orb!
Today Nicole captioned a drawing of the sun as "Future Jacie". She made me so happy, y'know? Here's one thing I bet you've never known about me. I've always wanted to be reborn as a star. On account of reading books where human beings go, "I was once a star."
On tumblr, I follow a bunch of Criminal Minds freaks. This means my whole entire dashboard is just full of CM pictures. They're awesome people, you know? They're hardcore. Show them a close-up of a character and they can immediately tell you what episode it's from by the clothes/hair. I can do that too, but only with my favourite episodes. They're tumblr friends, these hardcore CM-ers. Like calls to like!
Anyway, I saw a tumblr blog with the description that goes something like, "I would have kicked ass at debate if it were about TV and not... things that matter."
Which brings us to the next thing I want to tell you today!
Today in class I "sort of" debated for the first time. The biggest regret I have about coming to a fluky school like Samad is the demise of my public speaking life. Yeah, I suck like crap now. Can't speak fluently and start shaking like an aspen leaf whenever I public speak. Who knew I used to the be good at it in primary. When Pn. Manjeet (!) asked me to speak impromptu today (all of 5 seconds after she gave me the topic) I blabbed like an idiot. Lol. Shush. Erasing that memory starting NOW. (I'm good at that.) But, what I really wanted to say was, my first title, where I was actually given 5 minutes, was entitled, "Parents should be held morally and legally responsible for their child's crimes".
I stood up and was shaking and all but I just focused on what I was planning to say. Which was on Criminal Minds. My whole entire isi was from CM. The whole time I was speaking I had Hotch talking to me in my right ear and Reid on my left, and the backdrop of the BAU in front of my eyes. CM saved my ass from further embarrassment in class today. I used their adolescent sociopath theory and cases of fathers raping their kids and legal implications and all that. So I think I did pretty well! When I sat down it was one of the proudest moments of my life! I love Criminal Minds in my life!
Incidentally (NOT that I was leading up to this the whole entire ditzy boring blogpost), I nearly died of joy yesterday.
I was wasting time away on the computer. (Monthly test next week yes I know I suck.) And I was bored. So like any other normal person I went to google and typed in "spencer reid fangirl".
Hahahahahhahahaha because I saw my name as the very first result on google search!
Right there! journal of a jacie! Please go try it out! Now, before it's too late and it changes! Homg, I know you want to!
Always been a life mission to be the first hit on a google search, that doesn't involve my name of course. And now it's come true!